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** ** ** ** *** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** v0.60
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ***** ** **
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ***** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** by Michael
**** ****** ***** **** ** ** **** ***** ***** Dreher
First: jump to the end of this text and read the Disclaimer !!
Secnd: jump back and start reading the instructions
Third: enjoy using DLGUpload 0.60 !!
What is it ??
Just a simple proggie that enables you to Upload Files from a script
or from the DOS-Shell to any File-Area or User's directory.
Why DLGUpload ??
You know these problems ??:
- when online from remote, you get a message from a user who asks
for a special file which is not in the file-areas... You know that
it's on the system's harddisk, but it takes to much time to bring it
to that user's directory or a file-area. (there might be several
changes necessary between the DOS-Shell and FileMaint.. too much
- you are at home and a user asks for a file or you have finished
the new KeyFile for XY, but you don't want to log in just for
uploading a file...
- you have automated scripts which generate files to be uploaded to
several file-areas, but you have to upload them manually...
- maybe you know some more examples, I think it's enough :-)
Here is the solution for these problems, an easy-to-use, fast and
powerful CLI-type proggie that allows you to upload files to users
and file-areas with full support of DLG's very own data-files and
DLGUpload (v 0.60), what does it ??
- allows to specify a Description (upto 255 chars)
- allows to specify a Textfile to take the Description from
- allows to specify an Uploader
- allows to make the file [FREE]
- allows to set a default [Number_of_Downloads] (useful for TICK-Files) **
- no need of "C:Copy" or other stuff and even SHORTER
than similar proggies... (currently less than 10k, 100% machine-code)
- seems to be quite safe and requires a minimum of 40 k of memory
- uses alternate storage paths from File:area.bbs
- uses file:[area]/file.dat
- uses User:First_Last/event.log on private Uploads
(When information on DLG.library will be available, DLGUpload might
also use system-messages or alter the upload-counters in the
Uploader's user.data-file :-)
(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this one has been added now, but we are not
sure how save it will work... you should NOT use it until a "DLG.library-
Version" of DLGUpload will be available...)
How does it work ??
When called, it will copy the specified file to the destination
directory, look for a pointers.file, write a .fd-file, update the
pointers.file and the file.dat. If no pointers.file or file.dat
is found, one will be generated (only thing it does not is create
File:Area.bbs if not existant :-)
from version 0.58, DLGUpload has changed to be "DLG-compatible" in the
way it is called. The syntax is now more similar to the original DLG-Modules,
so if you have used older versions of DLGUpload, you _MUST_ change all scripts
and stuff the use it !!!!
The command-line for DLGUpload NOW is:
DLGUpload [option <parameter>](s) <flags>
with the follwing options:
-f <Sourcename> is the path of the file which is to be uploaded.
(this one is the only REQUIRED parameter)
-a <Area> is the place where the file should be uploaded to.
there is no more need to specify a full path here,
You only have to insert the NUMBER of the file-area
or the (underscored) NAME of a User. (You still CAN
specify a Path, but if it's NOT a recognizable
DLG-File/User-Directory, DLGUpload will NOT work!!
If it's an alternate path or similar, DLGUpload will
know where to put the File and where to put the other
stuff.. so you needn't care of that !! :-)
-d <Description> is a short description that will be placed in the
header-file (max. 255 chars).
If it's more than one word, it should be between
quotes ("").
If you use the DESCFILE-flag, then this parameter
specifies the Path/Filename of the text that will be
used as description.
-u <Uploader> the name that will be shown as Uploader in the
If you use the CREDITS-flag, the Upload-credits of
the specified user will be modified to reflect this
upload !! (Use at wour own risk !!)
-n <TimesDL> this should be a number and will be set as the
NumberofDownloads in the Header. (Useful if you
have many File-Echos that you forward to other
systems. E.g if you have X Downlinks that get the
file from you, set <TimesDL> to X).
and here are the flags:
FREE must I really tell you ???
DEL this tells DLGUpload to delete the original File
(perform a MOVE rather than a COPY) after moving it
to the File-Area.
Useful for File-Echos to remove the Files from the
Inbound-Directory when uploading them to the BBS
DESCFILE this tells DLGUpload that it shall read the File
specified with the -d option and use its contents
as the File-Description in the File-Header.
BE CAREFUL: there is NO check wheter the file is
really an ASCII-Text !! Also there is no limit in
length (you could, for example, tell DLGUpload to
use your 1-Meg-ASCII-Nodelist as description, and
it WOULD DO SO !!!)
CREDITS this tells DLGUpload that the length of the File
shall be added to the upload-credits of the User
specified with the -u option. This function has not
been tested very much, so I recommend you NOT using
it until there is an OK from TPT or a newer version
of DLGUpload that uses DLG.library to access the user's
If you don't use the -a option, the File should be uploaded to the current
directory (if it is a DLG-File/User-Directory, if not, there will be some weird
error-message like "Destination Directory doesn't exist!!" :-)
The minimum is:
DLGUpload -f <filename>
all other parameters will get defaults then...
DLGUpload -f s:user-startup -a marcus_kuba -d "Just a test" -u "Michael Dreher"
- will upload the file s:user-startup to Marcus Kuba's private
file-area with a description of "Just a test" and Michael Dreher as
DLGUpload -f RAM:FF560.lzh -a 31 -d ram:Contents560 DESCFILE DEL FREE
- will upload the File FF560.lzh to File-Area 31 with the FREE-Flag
set and uses the file "RAM:Contents560" as description. The original File
will be deleted after the upload.
cd File:89
DLGUpload -f S:PC-Startup
DLGUpload -f Testfile
- will upload the files 'S:PC-Startup' and 'Testfile' in file area 89
and uses default uploader and default description
See also the supplied scripts and configs for information on how to setup
DLGUpload together with FTick, Peer Hasselmeyer's flexible Tick-proggy !!
How must I install it ??
Oh, this is the simplest.., just copy DlgUpload anywhere in your path,
we have it in C: right now. For easier use you can rename it to "Upload", this
is what we have done :-)
Be careful to change all your scripts that use older versions of DLGUpload so
that they reflect the changes in the syntax !!!
DLGUpload is Freeware, which means that you can spread it to anyone
you like, as long as all files are intact and the original archive
is NOT altered (this means also that you may NOT add any files
or change the ZZZIBASE.foo textfile included in this archive !!).
If you like and use DlgUpload, it would by nice, if you send us
YOUR Freeware/Shareware proggies, even a message would be nice...
Michael Dreher
Wielandstr. 12
7250 Leonberg
West Germany
Fido Netmail: 2:247/706.1 IBase Point 1
(Intuition-Base ++49-7152-45768)
UUCP email: Michael_Dreher@ibase.stgt.sub.org
or write to:
Marcus Kuba, SysOp of 2:247/706 / ibase.stgt.sub.org
(Intuition-Base: DLGTopX, DLGUpload and CONTRIS!-Support-BBS :-)
Special thanks:
Marcus Kuba : - He had the ideas for the additional features
- He wrote this documentation.
Tom Conroy (TPT) : - for DLG Pro and testing DLGUpload
Patrick Young : - for A68k 2.71 (which was used to make DLGUpload)
Maurizio Fabiani : - for your ideas and Beta-Testing
Heiko Richter : - for the DLG-Support-Echos, ADS/SAN/ANSINET and Beta-Testing
Peer Hasselmeyer : - for FTick 0.84, the proggy that made it possible to get
rid of the old buggy CSTick :-)
We are in no way responsible for anything this program does; You are using it
entirely at your own risk ! (This means that if DLGUpload formats your
harddisk, it's your personal problem :-), but you can believe me: it
has been tested long enough to be safe...)